Research Trends in Mental Health and the Effect on Students’ Learning Disorder
Trends, , Mental Health, , Learning DisorderAbstract
Background and Aim: Student learning issues have emerged as a complex problem, with mental health being one of its contributing factors. The objective of this research is to identify patterns and trends in mental health within the educational sector, thereby understanding its correlation and impact on student learning disorders.
Materials and Methods: This quantitative study employs two designs: bibliometric analysis and Ex Post Facto design. The Ex Post Facto design utilizes correlation analysis and multiple linear regression. The bibliometric analysis uses the Scopus database from 2014 to 2023 with the keywords "Student Mental Health" AND "Education". The Ex Post Facto design, on the other hand, utilizes secondary data from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The findings indicate a significant upward trend in the number of articles since 2014.
Results: Wang Y emerges as the most relevant author, with China being the leading country in publications. The most cited work is by Browning Mhem, 2021, with 485 citations. The primary focus of the research is on mental health, with students being the dominant target group. The prevalence of mental disorders and learning disorders is highest among the 25-29 age group. The percentage of mental disorders and learning disorders is higher in males compared to females. Individuals residing in urban areas exhibit a higher prevalence of mental disorders and learning disorders compared to those in rural areas. The age range has a moderately negative impact on learning disorders. Place of residence has a moderately positive but non-significant impact on learning disorders. Mental disorders, however, have a very strong and significant impact on learning disorders. Gender is excluded as a variable and not included in the regression model.
Conclusion: The significant impact of mental disorders on learning disorders indicates the necessity for comprehensive interventions addressing both issues.
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