The Impact of Sociological Situations, Psychological and Psychological-Situational Characteristics on Curious in Foreign Languages Learning Behaviors of Secondary Students of the Northern British International School
Sociological Situations, , Psychological Characteristics, , Psychological-Situational CharacteristicsAbstract
Background and Aim: This research explores the impact of sociological situations, psychological characteristics, and psychological-situational characteristics on the curiosity and behaviors of secondary students learning foreign languages at the Northern British International School. In today's globalized world, proficiency in foreign languages is crucial for academic and professional success. Understanding the factors that influence students' motivation and behaviors in learning languages like German and Chinese can help educators develop effective strategies to enhance their engagement and performance.
Materials and Methods: The study involves 42 students from grades 7 to 12 enrolled in foreign language courses at the Northern British International School. A purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. Data were collected using a questionnaire designed based on a comprehensive review of relevant literature. The validity of the instrument was ensured by expert evaluation, and its reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the relationships between sociological situations, psychological characteristics, and psychological-situational characteristics with students’ foreign language learning behaviors.
Results: The analysis revealed that psychological-situational characteristics had the strongest influence on foreign language learning behaviors, followed by sociological situations and psychological characteristics. The regression model indicated that these factors collectively explained 60.3% of the variance in learning behaviors. Specifically, positive learning environments and supportive relationships were found to significantly enhance students' curiosity and engagement in language learning.
Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of creating a supportive and stimulating learning environment that considers both individual and contextual factors. Educators and policymakers should focus on fostering positive sociological and psychological-situational conditions to enhance students' curiosity and motivation to learn foreign languages, ultimately improving their proficiency and academic performance.
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