Tailoring Education: A Comprehensive Review of Personalized Learning Approaches Based on Individual Strengths, Needs, Skills, and Interests
Tailoring Education, , Personalized Learning, , Individual StrengthsAbstract
Background and Aims: Personalized learning is important because it tailors educational experiences to each student's needs and strengths, resulting in more effective and engaging learning. This approach not only improves academic performance but also accommodates students' learning styles and interests, resulting in increased motivation and success. This paper investigates Tailoring Education: A Comprehensive Review of Personalized Learning Approaches Based on Individual Strengths, Needs, Skills, and Interests.
Methodology: This paper conducted a thorough analysis of various personalized learning approaches, such as adaptive learning technologies, differentiated instruction, and project-based learning. It combined findings from empirical studies, case studies, and theoretical frameworks to assess the efficacy and impact of these approaches on individual student needs and academic outcomes.
Results: The finding found that personalized learning approaches demonstrate their significant potential for meeting individual student needs and improving educational outcomes. Adaptive learning technologies and differentiated instruction have successfully tailored learning experiences to students' strengths, whereas competency-based and project-based learning provides flexible, student-centered pathways for meaningful engagement and academic progress. Collectively, these methodologies help to create a more individualized and responsive educational environment.
Conclusion: The findings show that personalized learning approaches effectively meet individual student needs while improving educational outcomes. These methodologies foster a more responsive and personalized learning environment by tailoring experiences to students' strengths and providing flexible, student-centered pathways.
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