The Use of PhET Simulations in Evaluating Students’ Level of Cognitive Skills Utilizing Solo Taxonomy
Academic Achievement; , SOLO Framework; , Cognitive SkillsAbstract
Background and Aims: Science is frequently regarded as crucial due to its links to technology and industry, which, from a national viewpoint, may be one of the areas of high priority for research, innovation and development. As digital technology emerges as a key strategy in education, this study aims to explore the effectiveness of PhET Simulations on the Grade 8 students' cognitive skills in learning essential topics in force and motion.
Methodology: The study used a mixed-methods approach, combining a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest for quantitative data and a sequential exploratory design for qualitative insights. The study focused on how PhET Simulations in science teaching influenced the students' cognitive skills. Qualitative data gathered through students' feedback and perceptions were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Results: Findings revealed a significant improvement in the student's cognitive skills, with a shift from a prestructural level (mean score 1.51) to a multistructural level (mean score 3.64) in the first trial and from a prestructural level (mean score 1.20) to a multistructural level (mean score 3.92) in the second trial. Statistical analysis confirmed these improvements with a significant p-value below 0.05. These results highlight the effectiveness of PhET Simulations in science education, showing that with the right tools and approaches, students can significantly advance their understanding and develop cognitive skills.
Conclusion: It was concluded that PhET Simulation is an effective tool for developing cognitive skills, thus highlighting notable progress in understanding complex concepts, increased curiosity and exploration, and boosted game-based features. While challenges such as limited access to technology, outdated versions of the gadget's OS, difficulty navigating the simulations, and the need for foundational knowledge were identified, addressing these issues could unlock the full potential of simulation, making it a highly effective tool that fosters deeper learning.
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