Evaluating Educational Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis of Tutoring Institutes and Formal Schools





Evaluating Educational Outcomes, , Tutoring Institutes, , Formal Schools


Background and Aims: A comparative analysis of tutoring institutes and formal schools is essential because it identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each educational setting, guiding improvements in teaching methods and resource allocation. This understanding informs policymakers, educators, and parents about how to improve educational strategies to help students succeed. This paper analyzes the educational outcomes of tutoring institutes and formal schools.

Methodology: The methodology effectively combines various data sources and structured analysis tools to compare educational outcomes in tutoring institutes and formal schools. By combining detailed document reviews and thematic analysis, the study provides a thorough understanding of how these educational settings compare to one another.

Results: the finding found that the comparative analysis demonstrates that formal schools provide a broad, structured educational framework, whereas tutoring institutes provide personalized support that improves individual academic outcomes. Formal schools benefit from a comprehensive curriculum and standardized assessments, but they may lack flexibility in meeting specific needs. Tutoring, on the other hand, excels at personalized instruction and immediate feedback, even though it can increase costs and stress for students and families.

Conclusion: The findings show that formal schools provide a broad, structured education, whereas tutoring institutes provide tailored support that improves individual academic performance. Although formal schools provide a consistent curriculum, tutoring's personalized approach, despite the potential for additional costs and stress, frequently results in more targeted outcomes.


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How to Cite

Niyomves, B., Kunacheva, N. ., & Sutadarat, S. . (2024). Evaluating Educational Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis of Tutoring Institutes and Formal Schools. Journal of Education and Learning Reviews, 1(6), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.60027/jelr.2024.788