Fire and Rescue Stations of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
Fire and Rescue Stations, Firefighter Benchmarks, Fire and Rescue Station BenchmarksAbstract
The fire and rescue stations were responsible for helping the victims before, during and after the incident. They also enhanced safety of life and property of the people in Bangkok, under the supervision of the Bureau of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Bangkok. The authority and responsibility included disaster prevention and mitigation; fire prevention and suppression operations and setting measures to prevent and suppress fire and other disasters in Bangkok and vicinity. This article aimed 1) to investigate present benchmark data on the performance of fire and rescue stations divided into Firefighters Per Population Criteria (1 Person : 552 Persons) and Fire and Rescue Stations Criteria per Area of Responsibility (1 Station : 15 sq km) and 2) to analyze the appropriate number of fire and rescue stations and firefighters of Bangkok according to the benchmark. The findings indicated that 1) a firefighter should be responsible for approximately 3,042 people who lived in the areas of 104 square kilometer of Bangkok. 2) There should at least be 110 fire and rescue stations in Bangkok but there were only 47 fire and rescue stations at present. In addition, there should at least be 10,123 firefighters in Bangkok but there were only 1,837 firefighters at present.
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