The Effects of The Rational Emotive Behavior Group Counseling on Work Stress of Child Care Center Teachers
Teachers of Child Care Centers, Work Stress, Rational Emotive Behavior Group CounselingAbstract
This research was a quasi - experimental research. The objectives were (1) to compare the work stress of the experimental group of child care center teachers who received group counseling based on Rational Emotive Behavior Theory between the pre and post experiment. (2) to compare the work stress of teachers of child care centers between the experimental groups who received theoretical group counseling. According to Rational Emotive Behavior Theory, the control group did not receive group counseling before and after the experiment. The sample group included eight teachers at the Sirindhorn Rajawittayalai Campus under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King, Nakhon Pathom Province. The research tool was a stress measurement at work. The content validity ranged 0.60-1.00, the accuracy was 0.945. and the consistency index of group counseling programs based on Rational Emotive Behavior Theory ranged 0.60-1.00. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation. Paired–sample t–test was used to compare work stress and independent t-test was used to compare work stress between the experimental group and the control group. The key findings were summarized as follows: 1. Regarding work stress of teachers of child care center, work stress of the experimental group after receiving group counseling decreased before receiving group counseling at the statistical significance level of .05. 2. Work stress of the experimental group after receiving group counseling was significantly lower than the control group at the statistical significance level of .05.
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