The Model for Life Skills Promoting of the Elementary Schools in the Eastern Economic Corridor
Life Skills Promoting, Eastern Economic Corridor, The Elementary SchoolsAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current conditions of model for life skills promoting of the elementary schools in the Eastern economic corridor. 2) to study the level of life skills among students of the elementary schools in the Eastern economic corridor. and 3) to develop the model for life skills promoting of the elementary schools in the Eastern economic corridor. The mixed method research was used to obtain data. For the study of current conditions of model for life skills promoting, the participants for this study included 260 administrators. The research instrument for gathering data was the questionnaire which had IOC value between 0.60-1.00. The data were analyzed by using frequency and percentage. For the study of the level of life skills among students, the participants for this study consisted of 375 teachers. The research instrument for gathering data was the questionnaire which had IOC value between 0.80-1.00. The data were analyzed by using percentage, standard deviation and Priority Needs Index Technique (PNI) used to prioritize data. The development of promoting life skills was conducted in qualitative research by interviewing 6 experts. The obtained data were analyzed by using content analysis method. The result of this study revealed that 1) For the current conditions of model for life skills promoting, the school readiness level of model for life skills promoting was at the moderate level. The school also provided learner development activities such as D.A.R.E Teacher student clubs and Boy & Girl Scout clubs. The research pointed out that the overall problems relating students’ life skills promoting was at the moderate level. 2) The actual life skills of elementary schools’ students were at the high level and the expected of students’ life skills were at the highest level. The creativity thinking skills, problem solving skills and critical thinking skills were top priorities need, respectively. 3) There were five elements of model for life skills, including concepts and principles, purposes, process, monitoring, and key of success. The overall evaluation result of the model was at the high level.
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