Integrated Marketing Communication Affecting Consumers’ Decision Making in Using Services of Cafes in Cha-am District, Phetchaburi Province and Hua Hin District, Prachuapkirikhan Province
Integrated Marketing Communication, Decision Making, CafeAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to study the level of consumers’ decision marking in using services of the cafes in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province, 2) to study the importance level of integrated marketing communication of the cafes in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province, 3) to study integrated marketing communication affecting consumer’s decision marking in using services of the cafes in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province. This research was quantitative research. The population included consumers who were using services of the cafés in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province and the sample size was 384 consumers. Questionnaires were used as the data collection tool, which had IOC being equal to 1 per each question and the reliability of 0.909. The research used purposive sampling technique to recruit the samples. Statistics used included mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression. The results revealed that 1) the overall consumers’ decision marking in using services of the cafes in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province was at the highest level. 2) the overall importance level of integrated marketing communication of the cafes in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province was at the highest level and 3) integrated marketing communication including advertising, personal selling, publicity and public relation, direct marketing, point of purchase communications, and event marketing affected consumers’ decision marking in using services of the cafes in Cha-Am district, Phetchaburi province, and Hua Hin district, Prachuapkirikhan province at the statistical significance level of .05.
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