Model Law for Specific Planning Act Enforcement for Floating Market Management to Promote Sustainable Tourism Development
Specific Planning, Floating Market, Promote Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentAbstract
This research on the model law for specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development aimed to investigate (1) concepts, principles, and theories related to specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development, (2) legal measures related to specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development in accordance with foreign and Thai laws, (3) problems on specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development, and (4) approaches to the model law for specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development. This research applied a qualitative research methodology consisting of documentary research, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion. The findings revealed that regarding the usage of concepts, principles, and theories in analyzing the model law for specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development, the Town and Country Planning Act B.E.2562 had established the criteria on planning town and country; however, it was not suitable to adopt this act to reorganize town and country with the floating markets to promote sustainable tourism development. Orderliness and beauty of floating markets were unique and different from general town and country planning; therefore, it required the specific planning act to control and promote development according to the floating market organization. Therefore, the researcher would like to propose the model law for specific planning act enforcement for floating market management to promote sustainable tourism development with the legal structure as follows: (1) objectives and procedure of planning specific to floating markets; (2) land utilization specific to floating markets; (3) measures to abide by the objectives of planning specific to floating markets; (4) benefits; (5) committees on Town and Country Planning specific to floating markets; and (6) penalty.
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