Marketing Factors Affecting Customers’ Decision Making on Using Cleaning Service Company in Thailand


  • Suttikan Wachchara Graduate School, Stamford International University
  • Sumeth Tuvadaratragool Graduate School, Stamford International University


Marketing Factors, Decision Making, Cleaning Service


The objectives of this study were 1) to study a level of marketing factors affecting decision making on using cleaning service company in Thailand, 2) to study the level of customers’ decision making on using cleaning service company in Thailand, and 3) to analyze marketing factors affecting customers’ decision making on using cleaning service company in Thailand. This study was quantitative research using questionnaires as the data collection tool from 384 customers using cleaning service company in Thailand. Statistics used included mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression. Research findings were 1) the overall marketing factors of cleaning service company in Thailand, was found at the moderate level. When considering an individual component, people came first, followed by place, product, physical evidence, process, promotion, and price, respectively, 2) the overall customers’ decision making on using cleaning service company in Thailand was at the moderate level. When considering an individual component, evaluation of alternatives came first, followed by post-purchase behavior, purchasing decision, problem recognition, and problem searching, respectively, and 3) marketing factors included product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process which mutually affected customers’ decision making on using cleaning service company in Thailand approximately 54.30 percent at the statistical significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Wachchara, S. ., & Tuvadaratragool, S. . (2024). Marketing Factors Affecting Customers’ Decision Making on Using Cleaning Service Company in Thailand. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 20(1), 77–89. retrieved from



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