The Need for Self-Potential Development of Supporting Personnel Into Personnel Development Planning at The School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao
Self-improvement, Support Personnel, Personnel Development PlanAbstract
This research was survey research with the aim to study 1) the self-development needs of support personnel and the organizational development needs for self-development, and 2) the self-development needs of support personnel and the organizational development needs for self-development, classified by personal status. Purposive sampling was used to select 22 support personnel of the School of Information and Communication Technology at the University of Phayao. The tool used in the research was questionnaire that had an average correlation index between the question and the overall objective of more than 0.5. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research found that 1) support personnel of the School of Information Technology and Communication, University of Phayao had a high level of self-development needs and organizational development needs for self-development, 2) male and female employees between the ages of 30-40 and those aged 40 and above with a bachelor's and master's degree had a high level of self-development needs and organizational development needs for self-development, while the program planning group had the highest level of self-development needs and organizational development needs for self-development at the high level. In addition, the general administrative group, academic group, and operational group also had a high level of self-development needs and organizational development needs for self-development. This research result was used to plan human resource development that aligns with the organization's policies and vision and meets the needs of employees to achieve better work performance and meet the set goals.
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