The Personality of the Male Protagonist Caused by the Author’s Imagination, Semi-Imaginary and True Story: A Case Study of the Frankenstein, The Queen’s Confession and The Railway Man
Personality, Male Protagonist, Frankenstein, The Queen’s Confession, The Railway ManAbstract
The purpose of the research was to study the personality of the male protagonist caused by the author’s imagination, semi-imaginary and true story: a case study of the Frankenstein, The Queen’s Confession and The Railway Man, according to the 3 Phycology theoretical frameworks as 1) Trait Personality Theory of William Sheldon, Carl Gustav Jung and Professor DR. Prasop Rattanakorn, 2) Psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, and 3) Social Psychological Theory of Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, and Erich Fromm by the descriptive analytic method. The result was found that; the male protagonists of all three novels have demonstrated personality both inside and outside of their characters, that they were portraying humanity clearly. Due to the social context, environmental factors and parenting have molded the male protagonists to change their positive and negative personality, and behavior with a static character through a dynamic character in rapidly. For an example, the negative personality and behavior can be found with Frankenstein and the Zombie from the Frankenstein, and Erik Lomax from The Railway Man, which has a repressive behavior, blaming others, aggression and destruction. But on the contrary, Louis XVI from the Queen's Confession, however, he has a clear with a positive personality, that increases with his age since he was the heir to the position of the King of France. Be kind, gentle, calm, cool, reasonable, and etc. Which is comparable to 3 psychological theoretical frameworks: 1.Trait Personality Theory 2. Psychoanalytic Theory and 3. Social Psychology Theory. Therefore, it can be concluded that the personality or behavior of all the male protagonists were mentioned above are absolutely based on these concepts and theories.
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