The Strength Development Model of OTOP INNO-Life Community with Creative Participation Process: A Case Study Suphanburi Province
Strength Development Model, OTOP INNO-Life Community, Creative Participation ProcessAbstract
This qualitative research aimed to 1) study OTOP INNO-Life Community context and problems in Suphanburi province 2) study factors affecting the success of the community strength development and 3) propose the strength development model of OTOP INNO-Life community by creative participation process. The 63 key informants consisted of 25 OTOP members who attended the meeting, 22 representatives from each OTOP community, 15 government and private sectors representatives from 9 agencies and 1 outstanding leader of OTOP community. Research instruments were in-dept interview, focus group and participant observation by using contents analysis. Research results revealed that 1. Context and community problems were different according to each area distinction. 2. Factors affecting the success of the strength development of OTOP INNO-Life Community by creative participation process were communities’ unity, support, joint problem solving, life and property security, job security and household income, continuous community integration, supports from outside agencies and availability of public utilities. 3. The strength development model of OTOP INNO-Life Community by creative participation process was 4 C Model comprising Community self-reliance, Community expanding grassroots economy, Community capital and Community capacity. Suggestions for communities were that they should adapt to the dynamic environment, give priority to OTOP INNO-Life careers after agriculture, find genuine and unique identity differentiating from other communities for the further sustainable development of the grassroots economy.
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