The Component Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumers’ Loyalty in Vending Machine in Bangkok: Case Study of Tao Bin
Vending Machine, Consumers’ Loyalty, Exploratory Factor AnalysisAbstract
This research aimed to identify the components of factors influencing consumers’ loyalty in vending machine in Bangkok: case study of Tao Bin. This study applied quantitative research methods by collecting data from 500 samples who brought products from the Tao Bin vending machine more than once in the past 6 months, regardless of gender, aged from 13 to 59 years and living in Bangkok. The samples were randomly selected by a multistage method, which was to collect data via online closed-ended questionnaire with the examination of content validity and the reliability. The data were analyzed using exploratory component analysis techniques to define complementary factors and regrouped factors. The result revealed that component analysis of factors influencing consumers’ loyalty in vending machine in Bangkok: a case study of Tao Bin consisted of four factors and twelve components: three components of brand image including brand value, brand associations and brand characteristics; three components of information quality including ease of understanding, completeness and accuracy; three components of system quality including ease of use, availability and security and privacy; and three component of service quality including reliability, responsiveness and fulfillment.
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