Preventive Approach of Crime: A Case Study of Bar Host in Chiangmai Province
Crime Prevention, Bar Host, Chiang Mai ProvinceAbstract
The purposes of this study were to explore the crime preventive approach and principles of crime prevention to increase the sense of security of bar host workers and customers. Also, this study covered an overall challenge, causes, and factors that may lead to the crime and provided the approach to protect these bar host workers and their clients from becoming victims of crime in Chiangmai province. As the qualitative research, the key informants were bar host workers in Chiang Mai consisting of 2 places, or 5 people each which was in total of 10 people. In-depth interview method was used to collect data. This study used the interview form as the research instrument which was validated by three experts. The findings of this study revealed that the bar host workers were from the diverse backgrounds and most of them were good-looking and personality with a demand of high income for entering job without work skill. There were some risk factors on the drunken situation due to work related, drunk and drive, fight and thefts which might happen with the bar host workers and their clients. Those crimes usually occurred outside the bar and after working hours. However, the bar hosts had a restriction to do not be accompanied outside with clients to avoid the potential crime cases. Another approach on preventing the crime was that the government should provide an approach to oversee the bar host while the bar host entrepreneur, there was a need on prevention approach in the context of area or environmental context as well as regulation to manage the bar host staff as well as their safety. In addition, there was a need for collaborative approach with government agencies as well as the police to prevent the crime that may occur. In term of male bar host, there was a need for an individual method to prevent crime that may happen with them and people around. For example, they should be prohibited to drive to avoid the accident. If there was a need to work outside the premise, they should observe the clients’ behavior and exchange information among colleagues.
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