The Legalization of Gambling in Thailand
Guidelines Recommendations, Legal Gambling, The Gambling Act B.E. 2478Abstract
This qualitative research aimed (1) to study the problems and obstacles of gambling under the Gambling Act B.E. 2478 regarding Thai society, (2) to explore the impacts of the legalization of gambling on the state and Thai society in Thailand, and (3) to provide recommendations for appropriate gambling management guidelines in Thailand. The theory of social learning and imitation was applied as a base in this study. The data collection was conducted through in-depth interview with 25 key informants including professional practitioners, police officials, lawyers, administrative officials and religious organization representatives affected by gambling. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. The results indicated that the problems occurred due to Gambling Act B.E. 2478, which had been used for more than 80 years and become outdated with maximum fine of no more than 5,000 Baht. There was no measure to support and manage a new form of gambling. Gambling regulations should specify new types of gambling offenses, amend the Gambling Act B.E. 2478, use other types of punishment, and amend fines in section 12, section 13 and section 14 of the Gambling Act B.E. 2478 The results of this research allowed the government to be aware of the adjustment needed for making Gambling Act B.E. 2478 to be more modern and relevant to the current context of Thai society as well as establish further measures. It also provided people in Thai society with ways to enhance knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward gambling.
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