Model Development of Creative Writing Instruction Using The MCCAD Model to Enhance Learning Achievement in Thai Language Subject Area of Prathomsuksa 5 Students
Model development, Creative Writing, Learning Achievement, Thai Language Subject AreaAbstract
This research aimed to 1) create and develop the model for creative writing instruction using the MCCAD model appropriate for instructional management of Thai language subject area 2) investigate the results of applying the model for creative writing instruction using the MCCAD model and 3) assess the students’ satisfaction towards the learning management. The samples were 40 students from Prathomsuksa 5/1 who studied in the first semester of academic year 2022 selected by Purposive Sampling. The model for creative writing instruction was applied and used for 12 hours. The experimental pattern was one-group pretest-posttest design. Research instruments consisted of 1) a questionnaire, 2) an interview forms, 3) lesson plans, 4) achievement tests, and 5) students’ satisfaction questionnaire. The analysis statistics included content analysis, percentage, mean ( ), standard deviation (S.D), and t-test. The results were as follows: 1) The results from developing a model for creative writing instruction to enhance learning achievement in Thai language subject area of Prathomsuksa 5 students revealed the following steps of the MCCAD creative instructional model: Step 1 motivation (M), Step 2 construct (C), Step 3: Creativity (C), Step 4: Action (A) and Step 5: Develop (D) 2 ) Learning achievement of Prathomsuksa 5 students before and after studying with the model for creative writing instruction using the MCCAD model to enhance their learning achievement in Thai language subject area was significantly different at the statistical significance level of .05. 3) The overall satisfaction of Prathomsuksa 5 students towards the learning management with the model for creative writing instruction using the MCCAD model to enhance their learning achievement in Thai language subject areas was found at the high level.
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