Guidelines for Developing Elderly’s Quality of Life by Employing Intellectual and Cultural Capital to Reduce Local Disparities: A Case Study of Ban HuayWa Non Kong Sub-District, Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province
Elderly, Intellectual and Cultural Capital, InequalityAbstract
The study aimed to achieve two main objectives: firstly, to delve into the reservoir of intellectual and cultural capital harbored by the elderly population of the Ban Huai Wa community; and secondly, to scrutinize the prospect of leveraging this reservoir for local development, thereby mitigating disparities in the region. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the investigation encompassed interviews with a cohort of 12 individuals. The findings illuminated a spectrum of intellectual and cultural capital within the Ban Huai Wa elderly cohort, encompassing: 1) vernacular literature and linguistics (embodied in local histories), 2) performative arts (exemplified by Mor Lam Sin Sai, resonant long drums, and spirited Kongka dances), 3) communal customs, ceremonial rituals, traditional practices, and festive celebrations (including the vivacious Heat 12 Kong 14 festival), 4) a reservoir of insights and practices concerning the natural world and the cosmos (encompassing sustenance and traditional healing), 5) the artisanal dexterity of tradition (embracing silk weaving, intricate silk waist weaving, wickerwork, and indigenous handicrafts), and 6) folk pastimes, sporting traditions, and martial prowess (evident in captivating wagon bands and spirited cockfighting contests). Guidelines emerge from these findings to amplify the potential of the elderly's intellectual and cultural capital, poised to redress local inequalities: 1) Cultivation of niche product clusters and indigenous goods (ranging from culinary delights to textile artistry and cultural artifacts), and 2) Elevation of service-oriented clusters with enriched cultural value (encompassing spheres like education, tourism, ancient Thai traditional medicine, regional arts and culture, and the vibrant tapestry of folk games).
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