Role of Local Administrative Organization in Caring Elderly for Self-Reliance: A Case Study of Bang Rak Yai Administrative Organization, Bang Bua Thong District, Nonthaburi Province
Local Administrative Organization, The Roles of Local Administrative Organization, Caring for the Elderly, Self-relianceAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the roles of local administrative organization in caring the elderly for self-reliance 2) to study the problems and obstacles of local administrative organization in caring the elderly for self-reliance. And 3) to study the guidelines to promote the roles of local administrative organization in caring the elderly for self-reliance. The qualitative research methodology was used to study. Key informants were elderly care personnel working in local administrative organization and elderly care personnel working in the official government and communities. The interviews form and non-participant observation were used as the data collection tool. The study found that Bang Rak Yai Sub district Administrative Organization carried out the role assigned in health promotion, support for the integration of the elderly, job training, as well as the promotion of suitable residence and environment. The problems and obstacles were budget problems, personnel issues and problems of the community visits for the elderly care. The guidelines for promoting the roles of local administrative organization in caring the elderly should include the support of budgets and the elderly personnel. The relevant government organizations should jointly plan for the elderly care to cover physical, mental and social well-being by focusing on the elderly and family members’ participation.
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