Life Skills Development in School-Aged Children.
Life Skills Development, School-Aged Children, Basic Education LevelAbstract
In this article, the author presents the life skills development for school-aged children. It describes the meaning, importance, and focus of life skills development, including the synthesis of important components of life skills, the country's policies and programs related to the life skills development of children and young people in the basic education level. This study will enable all parties involved in child and youth development including school teachers and parents who are very close and play an important role in the life skills development to realize and recognize the importance of life skills development, especially in the current social conditions that are volatile and change rapidly including information, technology, communication, ethnic and cultural diversity as well as other social problems such as drug problems, violence, quarrels, untimely sex, etc. These problems affect the development of children and youth and the overall development of the country. Therefore, the promotion and development of life skills for children and youth in school age need to focus and comprise important life skills components such as decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, communicating and media realization skills, interpersonal skills, self-esteem and people recognition skills, emotional and stress management skills and adaptability and flexibility skills. These components are regarded as a learning management process that will enable students to deal with problems in life, as well as prepare for future adjustments in terms of knowledge, thoughts, attitudes and emotions. Therefore, the learners can have good life immunity, live consciously, be aware of the problem and choose to live safely and happily the society.
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