The Effect of Asset Management Capability on Rate of Return and Stock Valuation Assessment of the Listed Companies Under Real Estate and Construction Category on the Stock Exchange of Thailand


  • Tanapad Janta Faculty of Accounting, Sripatum University
  • Pravas Penvutikul Faculty of Accounting, Sripatum University


Asset Management Capability, Rate of Return, Stock Valuation Assessment


The objectives of this independent study were 1) to study the effect of the asset management capability on the rate of return and 2) to study the effect of the rate of return on the stock valuation assessment of the listed companies under real estate and construction category on the stock exchange of Thailand. A purposive sampling was applied to include only the companies that submitted the financial reports from the fiscal year 2018 to 2020. A total sampling was 95 companies. In the secondary data collection from the financial statements, descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data, including minimum, maximum, means, and standard deviation as well as the correlation coefficient to test the relationship of significant independent variables. Multiple regression analysis was also applied. The results showed that 1) the asset management capability affected rate of return at the statistical significance level of .05 but they showed no significant correlation and 2) the rate of return affected stock valuation assessment at the statistical significance level of .05 but they showed no significant correlation. The different factors were derived from the calculation of secondary data from the financial reports and accounting periods.


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