The Roles of Forensic Science in The Narcotic Investigation of Methamphetamine Cases in Nakhon Ratchasima Province


  • Phichak Ketmai Faculty of Forensic Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy
  • Pongphisanu Pakdeenarong Phichak


Forensic Science, Narcotic Investigation, Methamphetamine


This study aimed to: 1) investigate the roles of forensic science in the narcotic investigation of methamphetamine cases and 2) find the solutions to increase the efficient usage of forensic science in the narcotic investigation of methamphetamine cases. The qualitative research was conducted using a semi-structured interview to collect data from 20 investigators who dealt with methamphetamine cases between September and November 2021. The tools used in this research were semi-structured interview form, in which the researcher evaluated the content validity of the semi-structured interview through the opinions from an advisor and 2 experts, a total of 3. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The roles of investigators were planning, ordering, investigating, arresting, resulting, collecting data, and seizing properties of offenders related to methamphetamine. Forensic science knowledge was applied to investigate the narcotics offenses related to methamphetamine, namely implementing urine drug screens in an initial stage, analyzing fingerprints found on methamphetamine packets, and collecting evidence for the inquiry officials to verify further process. 2) Guidelines increasing the efficient usage of forensic science in narcotic investigation consisted of implementing in an initial stage of drug tests such as urine drug screens insisting on offenses, analyzing fingerprints found on amphetamine packets. Using information technology in drug cases such as using 'Diagram I2' in a conspiracy network gang associated with a methamphetamine offense and searching for clues in a matter of offenders committed crimes through social media applications.


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How to Cite

Ketmai , P., & Pakdeenarong, P. . (2022). The Roles of Forensic Science in The Narcotic Investigation of Methamphetamine Cases in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 18(3), 211–226. retrieved from