Risk Management for Cloud Software Development Life Cycle


  • Benrisa Limanuraksakul College of Innovation, Thammasat University
  • Orapan Khongmalai College of Innovation, Thammasat University


Risk Management, Software Development, Cloud Computing, Project Failure


The objectives of this research were to study the risk factors of software development project on cloud as well as to recommend the guidelines in planning the risk management strategies of software development project on cloud. This research was quantitative research. This research compiled the factors involved from the relevant literature and theory reviews. Then, the factors obtained from the interview with experts were put into questionnaires. The content validity (IOC) and the reliability of the questionnaire was tested. The sample group included those who were involved in the cloud software development life cycle and recruited by using purposive sampling. The 400 completed questionnaires were obtained and the data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to examine the relationship between variables. The analysis results of Structural Equation Modeling indicated that the cloud software development risk affected project failure at 67% (R2=0.677) and the coefficient of direct effect was 0.821. In addition, the cloud software development risk consisted of 4 factors including technical risk which had the highest factor loading of 0.995, followed by operational risk (0.895), organization risk (0.877) and technology risk (0.823), respectively.


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How to Cite

Limanuraksakul, B. ., & Khongmalai, O. . (2022). Risk Management for Cloud Software Development Life Cycle. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 18(3), 139–154. retrieved from https://so19.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SDUGSAJ/article/view/446