Types of Consumer Behavior and Technology Acceptance Affecting Consumer’s Buying Decision Process of Medical Thermometer
Types of Consumer Behavior, Technology Acceptance, Buying Decision ProcessAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1. to study the different types of consumer behavior factors affecting consumer’s buying decision process of medical thermometer through online channels. 2. to study the technology acceptance factors affecting consumer’s buying decision process of medical thermometer through online channels. This research was quantitative study. The purposive sampling was used to select the sample which consisted of 400 people who had ever bought medical thermometer through online channels. The descriptive statistics was used for data analysis including frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation. The Inferential statistics used for data analysis were F-test analysis, LSD (The Least Significant Difference) and multiple regression analysis. The research results revealed that 1. Most of the samples had consumer behavior types focusing on Empowered Activist Types, and the different types of consumer behavior factors had different consumer’s buying decision process of medical thermometer through online channels at every stage at the statistical significance level of 0.05. 2. For the technology acceptance factors, the sample had the opinion towards technology acceptance at the high level ( = 3.86), and the behaviors of consumer’s buying decision process of medical thermometer through online channels were found at the frequent levels (
= 4.05, SD. = 0.38). The technology acceptance factors affected consumer’s buying decision process of medical thermometer through online channels at every stage at the statistical significance level of 0.05.
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