Problems and Suggested Legal Solutions to Control Alcohol Consumption for Reducing Road Accidents in Thailand


  • Sirinya Dusitnanond Faculty of Law, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Pakorn Winyuhuttakit Faculty of Law, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce


Road accident, Beverage and Alcohol Control Act B.E. 2551 (2008), Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (1979)


The objective of this research was to study alcohol consumption in case of danger and related laws of alcoholic beverage control to reduce road accidents in foreign countries and Thailand. This research aimed to analyze the problems and legal effects of alcoholic beverage control to reduce road accidents and suggest the policy proposals in legal, economic, and social aspects to relevant agencies. Research methodology applied documentary research on laws, policy and measures related to alcoholic beverage control to reduce road accidents in order to be aware of the problem of road accidents in Thailand that resulted from alcohol consumption whether due to drunk driving, premature drinking or drinking in excess. The results of the research suggested that, first, to intensify the measure by using the alcohol level in the body as a criterion to determine the penalty. Second, to educate about the effects of alcoholic beverages on the body, and knowledge of standard drink. Third, to promote the collaboration between government and private sectors to prevent and reduce problems with irresponsible alcohol consumption. Fourth, to intensify the measures to classify the severity of the offense by considering the number of offenses. Fifth, to introduce measures to enforce the installation of Ignition Interlock when the offender had committed drunk driving behavior and caused serious offenses.


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How to Cite

Dusitnanond, S. ., & Winyuhuttakit, P. . (2022). Problems and Suggested Legal Solutions to Control Alcohol Consumption for Reducing Road Accidents in Thailand. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 18(3), 89–102. retrieved from