Promotion of Organic Agricultural Products: Consumers' Cognition, Attitude, and Perspective towards Marketing Factors
Agriculture, Organic Farming, Organic Agricultural Products, Marketing of Organic Agricultural ProductsAbstract
The aims of this research were (1) to survey the cognition, attitudes, and opinion towards market factors of organic agricultural products from the view of consumers, and (2) to provide recommendations in promoting organic agricultural products to satisfy consumers' requirement. The data were collected by using questionnaire with the samples recruited by purposive sampling method from those who were buying or bought organic agricultural products at department stores and markets. The total of 1,182 samples were selected from 12 provinces of 5 regions. The cognition of consumers was evaluated by questionnaire of which choices consisted of correctly understood, misunderstood, and not sure answers and analyzed in terms of frequency and percentage. The attitudes and market factors towards organic agricultural products were collected by rating scale questionnaire and analyzed in terms of mean and standard deviation. It was found that there was misunderstanding of the consumers due to the lack of communication about the organic agriculture standard. Most consumers held positive attitude towards health care and were willing to consume non-toxic products, certified by a reliable authority, but not necessary to be organic products. They also looked for quality and variety of products with low price and accessibility. Consequently, the related public and private agencies should promote understanding of the consumers, promote cultivators to produce diverse organic agricultural products with cost-control measure, as well as promote the expansion of organic products entrepreneurs to align with the market demand.
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