The Marketing Mix 4.0 from the Stakeholders' Perspective towards the Image and Reputation of Hua Hin Tourism Brand, Prachuap Khiri Khan
Marketing Mix 4.0, Tourism Brand, Tourism Image, Hua HinAbstract
This qualitative research was aimed to study the marketing mix 4.0 from the stakeholders' perspective towards the image and reputation of Hua Hin tourism brand, Prachuap Khiri Khan. The qualitative research through semi-structured interviews was conducted to collect data. The purposive sampling was used to select 20 key informants from governmental departments, entrepreneurs, community, and academic representatives. The triangulation was applied as the data verification method. The data analysis method was content analysis with an emphasis on prioritizing and categorizing, including systematic analyzing and summarizing. The results showed that 1) co-creation, the mutual information between the destination and tourists had the potential for developing effective tourism products and services, and was the performance indicator of tourists' tastes and needs 2) currency, the price adjustments and payment methods were related to market mechanisms and tourism seasons. The fair price guarantee by trustworthy agencies enabled tourists to compare prices which supported tourists' purchasing decisions based on quality and satisfaction 3) communal activation, the cooperation of the business sector facilitated the process of tourists' purchasing decision of tourism services more active and more satisfying. Moreover, the small-size businesses in the communities should be trained on the competition of the online marketing channels. 4) conversation, social media should monitor tourists' engagement and provide the platforms for tourists to express opinions and exchange information and experience. Therefore, the results should be beneficial to the policy guidelines of Hua Hin tourism development.
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