The State and Problems of Implementing School Curriculum for Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization Schools: A Survey Research and Mixed Methods of School Curriculum Evaluation
Survey Research, School Curriculum Evaluation, Mixed MethodsAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to survey the state and problems of implementing the school curriculum for Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization schools and 2) to evaluate the school curriculum of Klongyongwetheeuptham School in terms of contexts, inputs, processes, products, effectiveness, and satisfaction of relevant persons. The respondents can be categorized as 28 school directors and 300 teachers recruited by stratified random sampling in proportion to the teachers in each school. In the interviewing phase, the researcher collected data from key informants of 9 directors/ school board, 10 teachers, 10 students' parents and 10 graduates. The statistical analysis included percentage, means and standard deviation. The findings showed that 1) Regarding the overall problems of implementing the school curriculum from the perspective of the school directors and teachers, it revealed that the problems were found at the moderate level (X=1.56, SD = 0.95) 2) The overall finding of the school curriculum evaluation of 6 aspects was rated at the high level (X= 2.63, SD = 0.83) 3) The qualitative results of the school curriculum evaluation showed that the administrator should avidly include local needs and the sufficiency economy philosophy in the analysis to define the desirable outcomes of students. The appointment of a supervisory board for curriculum administration must be clear and consistent. In addition, teachers should utilize the school curriculum to determine the learning management plan which was related with local community and focused on the practical implementation.
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