The Synthesis of Research Related to Learning Practice Skills Based on the Concept of Harrow and Music Learning Based on the Concept of Carl Orff
Synthesis, Learning Practice Skills based on the Concept of Harrow, Music Learning based on the Concept of Carl OrffAbstract
This article aimed to synthesize research related to the learning practice skills based on the concept of Harrow and music learning based on the concept of Carl Orff between 2005 - 2018. The synthesis covered 4 areas, namely, 1) basic information 2) research purpose, 3) research methodology, and 4) research results. The results of the analysis and synthesis of the data in the quantitative and qualitative forms were presented by descriptive essay. Twenty-four researches were used as the research documentary. The research instrument was the form to record the characteristic data of theses. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency and percentage. The research findings revealed that: 1) Basic Information: Most of the researches were the works in the research curriculum and teaching program, from the Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University. 2) Research Purpose: Most of the researches were to compare the learning achievement of learners before and after teaching. 3) Research Methodology: Most researches used the sample groups selected by the group sampling method and most of them had the development purpose. The research for development utilized other's theories and most of them used domestic publication as references. The validity test was used to verify the research measurement and most of the research results were in accordance with the hypothesis. 4) The results of the research can be summarized as the learning practice skills based on the concept of Harrow 5-step practice model by imitating from observation and taking action as instructed with training for learners to practice correctly and to express themselves in a natural way. It is widely applied for music, art, technology and career development. Conceptual music teaching of Carl Orff developed student's skills from easy to difficult level starting from beat, pitch, learning the notes symbol, reading the notes and musical instrument practice. Therefore, students were able to develop their musical skills well.
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