Increasing the Efficiency of Procurement Management
Efficiency, Procurement, ABC CompanyAbstract
The objectives were to (1) study the opinions towards procurement management (2) study the variables that affected the efficiency enhancement of procurement management (3) develop the guideline for enhancing the efficiency of procurement management. This research employed the mixed-method research design which consisted of 1) Regarding the quantitative research, the sample included 198 cases of employees from food and beverage, housekeeping, accounting and procurement and maintenance departments. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire with the reliability coefficient of the whole questionnaire of 0.75. The statistical analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Multiple regressions analysis. The results of research indicated that the overall opinion towards procurement management was at the moderate level with the information management at the highest mean followed by management planning and information storage and control. For the factors influencing the efficiency enhancement of procurement management at the statistical significance level of 0.05, control parameter affected procurement management the most followed by information management and information storage with the standardized beta coefficient (β)of 0.442, 0.272 and 0.177, respectively. 2) The qualitative research used the interview as the tool to collect data with the key informants instead of sample groups as well as an analytic induction to analyze the data. The research findings indicated that the efficiency enhancement of procurement management was influenced by control, information management and information storage resulting in lower operating costs and increased profits.
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