A Study of Factors Affecting Measurement and Evaluation of Reading, Analytical Thinking, and Writing of the Basic Educational Schools, Affiliated with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration: Cross-Impact Analysis


  • Suree Khieotu-in Graduate School, Suan Dusit University
  • Dr. Phiradee Watcharasin Graduate School, Suan Dusit University


Measurement and Evaluation of Reading, Analytical Thinking, and Writing, Cross-Impact Analysis


The purposes of this research were to explore the conditions and problems of measurement and evaluation of reading, analytical thinking, writing and analyze factors affecting measurement and evaluation of reading, analytical thinking, and writing of the BMA basic educational schools by using cross-impact analysis. The sample group of this survey consisted of 450 teachers working at the BMA schools who were selected by stratified random sampling. The research tool was the questionnaires with the content validity of 0.60-1.00 and the reliability of 0.970-0.98 The key informants of the cross-impact analysis were 10 experts and university instructors recruited by purposive sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed by statistical description: percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Cross-Impact Analysis (Gordon, T.J. 1994).

Research findings revealed that operational conditions of measurement and evaluation of reading, analytical thinking, and writing of the BMA basic educational schools were high in reading, analytical thinking, and writing practice with the mean score of 3.35 and standard deviation of 0.50. The results of measurement and evaluation problems regarding reading, analytical thinking, and writing were low with the mean score of 1.30 and standard deviation of 1.03.

Findings from cross-impact analysis of factors affecting measurement and evaluation of reading, analytical thinking and writing indicated that the teachers' acknowledgement of the principles and operational guidelines of measurement and evaluation of reading, analytical thinking and writing highly affected the teachers' ability of using various techniques of measurement and evaluation of reading, analytical thinking and writing.


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How to Cite

Khieotu-in, S., & Watcharasin, P. (2021). A Study of Factors Affecting Measurement and Evaluation of Reading, Analytical Thinking, and Writing of the Basic Educational Schools, Affiliated with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration: Cross-Impact Analysis. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 17(2), 129–150. retrieved from https://so19.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SDUGSAJ/article/view/414



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