Elderly Welfare Needs of Ban Huai Sai Nuea, Phetchaburi Province
Elderly, Elderly club, Welfare needs, Ban Huai Sai NueaAbstract
This research aimed to study the welfare needs in physical, occupational and social areas of the elderly at Ban Huai Sai Nuea in Phetchaburi. Key informants were members of the elderly club at Ban Huai Sai Nuea, members of Cha-am municipality, and doctors and nurses at community hospitals. The data were collected by in-depth interviews and participatory observation and analyzed by Thematic analysis according to the subject group.
The research findings found that Ban Huai Sai Nuea elderly club in Phetchaburi, established in 2005 under the supervision of Cha-am municipality, had activities in daily life and cooking activities. The welfare needs of elderly were divided into 3 areas: 1) physical needs: the requirement of support for angklung instruments, advice on suitable physical exercise, more health check-ups with service at doorstep and the requirement of health-promoting activities.2) occupational needs: member gathering for participation in cooking and other products, invitation of experts as the occupational consultants, the requirement of work for additional income and regular occupational training activities and 3) social needs: the participation in community service, the requirement of preparatory activities, and support for appliances and amenities for daily life. The research suggested that related organizations should create health check plan by increasing cycles and facilitating the elderly with special health problems, inviting experts to provide occupational training and encouraging them to pass on knowledge as they know local wisdoms.
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