A Study of Cleaning Methods of High-level Emergency Ambulance for Decontamination by using Bloodstain Screening Tests


  • Peeraya Senpong Faculty of Forensic Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy
  • Parinya Seelanan Faculty of Forensic Science, Royal Police Cadet Academy


High-Level Emergency Ambulance, Bloodstain, Decontamination, Phenolphthalein


The objectives of this research were 1) to study cleaning protocols for the high-level emergency ambulance by using different cleaning products prior to forensic examination under the blood screening tests using Hemastix and Phenolphthalein methods and to 2) to compare the level of contamination in the cabin of high-level emergency ambulance after cleaning with disinfectant wipes and sterilizing powder on the contaminated blood areas from different surfaces, which were synthetic leather, stainless steel, and fiberglass. A blood sample of 0.1 ml was dropped on the tested surfaces and then washed off by using the disinfectant wipes and sterilizing powder for 3, 5 and 10 cycles. The bloodstain screening tests using Hemastix and Phenolphthalein were performed afterward. The results were as follows; 1) the disinfectant powder demonstrated better decontamination results in bloodstain removal than disinfectant wipes for all surfaces. The number of cleaning cycles affected the bloodstain detection. 2) bloodstains were detected on synthetic leather at a higher level than in fiberglass and stainless steel, respectively. The uneven and semi-porous surfaces required more than 5 cycles of cleaning for decontamination. Hence, decontamination of the high-level emergency ambulance must be evaluated with surface types and appropriate cleaning protocol for attaining well-prepared and prompt service.


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How to Cite

Senpong, P. ., & Seelanan, P. (2025). A Study of Cleaning Methods of High-level Emergency Ambulance for Decontamination by using Bloodstain Screening Tests . Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 21(1), 143–155. retrieved from https://so19.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SDUGSAJ/article/view/391



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