The Effectiveness of Game Based Learning for Enhancing Academic Achievement in Mental Health Promotion and Psychiatric Nursing Studies Among the Third-Year Nursing Students at Faculty of Nursing, Suan Dusit University.
Game-Based Learning, Active Learning, Learning Achievement, Nursing StudentsAbstract
This research was quasi-experimental research (two group pretest - posttest design). The objectives of the study were to 1) compare the effectiveness of game-based learning on academic achievement of the mental health promotion and psychiatric nursing of child and adolescent unit between before and after learning 2) compare the conventional teaching guided by active learning on academic achievement of the mental health promotion and psychiatric nursing of child and adolescent unit between before and after learning and 3) compare between the effectiveness of game-based learning and conventional teaching guided by active learning on academic achievement of the mental health promotion and psychiatric nursing of child and adolescent unit. The samples of this study were 87 third year students who registered and attended Mental Health Promotion and Psychiatric Nursing course, academic Year 2021, Faculty of Nursing, Suan Dusit University. The samples were then divided into two groups. The experimental group were 44 students and control group were 43 students. For learning activities, the experimental group was given the knowledge through game-based learning approach as a teaching method while the control group was given the knowledge through traditional lecture method through active learning. The research instruments included game-based learning modules and student achievement assessment form. Data were analyzed using mean, S.D., t-test dependent and independent t-test. The findings revealed that academic achievement toward Mental Health Promotion and Psychiatric nursing guided by game-based learning in the experimental group was higher than the control group regard to conventional teaching method with a statistical significance at 0.01.
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