The Development of Model of Experiential Activities by Using Learning Activities Package to Encourage Language Skills for Early Childhood


  • Thidarat Phopnga Faculty of Education, Phetchabun Rajabhat University
  • Sroungporn Kusolsong Faculty of Education, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Early Childhood, Experiential Activities, Learning Activities, Language Skills


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the model of experiential activities using the learning activities and language skills of early childhood. 2) to create and test the model of experiential activities to promote language skills of early childhood children. and 3) to assess the use of the model of experiential activities using the learning activity set to promote language skills of early childhood children. The sample consisted of 23 primary school children aged 5-6 years, Kindergarten Year 3/2, Semester 1, Academic Year 2021, Ban Km. 35 School, Phetchabun Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The research tools consisted of 20 activity plans, 4 activity manuals, and 2 language skill tests. The experiments were conducted according to the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design research model and the data were analyzed using mean scores, variance standard deviation and test the hypothesis with Dependent t-test. The results showed 1) The results indicated that the activity organization model consisted of 6 aspects. 2) The results of creating and experimenting the model (2.1) The results of creating the model consisted of the following steps: (1) preparation stage, (2) previous experience stage. (3) Instructional stage (4) knowledge review and summary stage (2.2) Plan quality (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.66) was found at the highest level (2.3) The experimental results of pre-activity model (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 17.57) and the post-activity model (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 34.14) resulted in higher scores (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 16.57) 3) The overall model evaluation results (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 4.60) were at the highest level 4 ) The overall results of the language skills test of the pre-activity (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 17.57) and the post-activity (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 34.13) resulted in higher scores (gif.latex?x\bar{} = 16.57).


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How to Cite

Phopnga, T. ., & Kusolsong , S. . . (2022). The Development of Model of Experiential Activities by Using Learning Activities Package to Encourage Language Skills for Early Childhood. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 18(3), 37–53. retrieved from