The Development of English Communication Skills Training Package for Promoting Sales of Entrepreneurs in Community Enterprise, Thonburi Zone, Bangkok


  • Panjaluck Thawai Faculty of Education, Dhonburi Rajabhat University


English Communication Skills Training Package, Promoting Sales, Community Enterprise


The objectives of the research were 1) to study needs of English communication skills development for promoting sales 2)to create and determine the efficiency of English communication skills training package 3) to study the effectiveness of English communication skills training package 4) to study the trainees’ satisfaction towards training package 5) to follow up the results of using training package. The samples for studying the demand of communication skills training included 7 community enterprises which were selected by using purposive sampling. The samples for determining the efficiency and effectiveness of English communication skills training package consisted of 2 community enterprises and 72 entrepreneurs, selected by using cluster random sampling. Research instruments were the interview form for assessing needs, training package, lesson plans, the achievement test, satisfaction questionnaires and the interview form for assessing the attitudes towards training package. The validity testing of research tools included try-out, difficulty, discrimination, reliability and IOC. The data were analyzed through mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results were as follows: 1) Entrepreneurs needed to develop English communication skills about greetings, asking prices, asking food tastes and thanking customers. 2) The efficiency of English communication skills training package was 75.80 and 76.22 percent. 3) The trainees’ posttest scores were significantly higher than pretest scores at the statistical significance level of .05. 4) The entrepreneurs’ satisfaction towards English communication skills training package was found at the high level. 5) The results of following up on using training package indicated that the entrepreneurs created English menus and had the guidelines in communicating with foreigners.


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How to Cite

Thawai, P. . (2022). The Development of English Communication Skills Training Package for Promoting Sales of Entrepreneurs in Community Enterprise, Thonburi Zone, Bangkok. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 18(3), 19–36. retrieved from