Factors Influencing Purchasing Decision of Organic Products in the Baby Product Section in the Central Festival Chiang Mai Department Store


  • Peeraya Somsak Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
  • Charunya Suwannasereerak Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
  • Ketwalee Srijun Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna


Organic Products, Purchase Decision Behavior, Marketing Mix


This study aimed to investigate the customers' behaviors that influenced purchasing decisions of organic products in the baby products section. It also studied buyers' fundamental factors that affected purchasing decisions and marketing mix of organic products in the baby product section. This research was quantitative research conducted with the sample of 422 customers who ever purchased organic brand products for babies. The purposive sampling was used to recruit only the residents in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. Questionnaires were used for data collection and were tested for accuracy and consistency with a validity score of 0.92. Descriptive statistics consisting of mean, standard deviation (SD) and inferential statistics consisting of T-test and ANOVA were used for data analysis in this study. The study results showed that most customers paid the greatest attention to products for sensitive skin. The purchase frequency was between 4-6 times a week, with the cost per transaction of approximately 1,001-2,000 baht. Salespeople played a significant role in the decision-making of the buyers. Moreover, the buyers were concerned with the marketing mix in terms of products and distribution channels at the highest level while price and promotion came the second highest. The results of hypotheses testing indicated that the buyers' age and their incomes were the factors that influenced purchasing organic products at the baby product section. Italso found that the buyers' age and their incomes had different influences on the marketing mix. Therefore, entrepreneurs should pay close attention to the marketing mix to generate more sales and raise customers’ awareness towards the baby product section.


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How to Cite

Somsak, P., Suwannasereerak, C., & Srijun, K. (2021). Factors Influencing Purchasing Decision of Organic Products in the Baby Product Section in the Central Festival Chiang Mai Department Store. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 17(3), 147–163. retrieved from https://so19.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SDUGSAJ/article/view/380