The Influence of PerceivedRiskof PromptPay’s QR Code Financial Transaction onTechnology Adoption Process of Users in Bangkok
PromptPay’s QR Code, Perceived Risk, TechnologyAdoption ProcessAbstract
This research aimed to study 1) the difference of technology adoption process of users in Bangkok classified by demographic characteristics 2) the influence of perceived risk of PromptPay's
QR Code financial transaction on technology adoption process of users in Bangkok. This study was the survey research. The sample were 400 people who had ability to use the smartphone and accessed applications that supported PromptPay's QR Code. The convenience sampling was used to select the sample. The data collection tool was questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha of 0.946. The statistics used for analyzing the obtained data were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that 1) users in Bangkok with different age, occupations and income had different technology adoption process at the statistical significance level of 0.05. 2) the influence of the perceived physical and psychological risk of transaction affected the awareness stage, the influence of the perceived physical risk of transaction affected the interest stage, the influence of the perceived social and psychological risk of transaction affected the evaluation stage, the influence of the perceived physical and psychological risk of transaction affected the trial stage and the influence of the perceived physical, social and psychological risk of transaction affected the adoption stage of technology adoption process at the statistical significance level of 0.05.
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