The Guidelines of Tourism Supply Chain Management in Phuket
Tourism, Supply Chain, PhuketAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the opinion of Thai tourists 2) to compare the level of tourism supply chain management in Phuket according to individual characteristics 3) to suggest the guidelines of tourism supply chain management in Phuket. The explanatory mixed-method research was employed in this study. 384 samples were recruited by the accidental sampling. The questionnaire with the content validity of 0.8 was used as the tool for data collection of which the questions were selected with an α value of 0.75 or higher. The statistics for data analysis included percentage, frequency, standard deviation, means, t-test, One-way ANOVA. The in-depth interview was conducted with 10 key informants. The research results revealed that (1) Before traveling, the opinion towards the information flow was at the high level (3.57). During traveling, physical flow and tourist attraction were at the high level (3.86). The facilities (3.45) and safety (3.37) were found at the moderate level. The information of information flow was at the high level (3.63). The time was found at the moderate level (3.28) while the payment of financial flow was at the high level (3.54) and at the high level (3.95) after traveling. (2) Thai tourists with different demographic characteristics had different opinion towards the tourism supply chain management in Phuket, except gender and average monthly income. (3) all sectors involved in Phuket tourism should have the physical flow management such as the development of an infrastructure and waste system, etc., information flow management such as public relations and image building in tourism and financial flow management.References
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