Attitude Towards Nursing Profession, Self Esteem and Happiness at Work Among Professional Nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin Phaya Thai, in Bangkok


  • Jittiya Yaovapak Faculty of Social Science, Kasetsart University
  • Tippavan Surinya Faculty of Social Science, Kasetsart University


Attitude, Self-esteem, Happiness at Work


The research objectives were:  1) to study the level of the attitude towards nursing profession, self-esteem and happiness at work among professional nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin, Bangkok  2) to compare the happiness at work among professional nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin, Bangkok according to different personal characteristics. 3) to study the correlation between attitude  toward nursing profession and happiness at work among professional nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin, Bangkok  4) to study the correlation between self-esteem and happiness at work among professional nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin, Bangkok. This study was quantitative research. The samples of 134 professional nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin, Bangkok were selected by using the stratified sampling. The questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. The questionnaires consisted of inquiry form of general information, attitude toward nursing profession, self esteem and happiness at work.  The data analysis included percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The findings revealed that 1) Attitude toward nursing  profession (gif.latex?x\bar{} =3.35)  ,  self-esteem  ( gif.latex?x\bar{} =4.29) and  happiness at work   (gif.latex?x\bar{} =4.24) were found at  the  high  level.  2) professional  nurses    with  differences  in  age  had  differences  in  happiness at work at the statistical significance level of 0.05. 3) Attitude towards nursing profession was positively correlated with happiness at work  among  professional  nurses   at the statistical significance level of 0.001 and 4) Self-esteem  was positively correlated with happiness at work  at the statistical significance level of 0.001.


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How to Cite

Yaovapak, J. ., & Surinya, T. . (2022). Attitude Towards Nursing Profession, Self Esteem and Happiness at Work Among Professional Nurses at Paolo Hospital, Phaholyothin Phaya Thai, in Bangkok. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 18(3), 1–17. retrieved from