The lesson learned from Process for Community-based tourism management to be developed as Community-based tourism model Prototype: a case study of Ban Pa-Miang, Tambol Jae son, Amphur Muang-Pan, Lampang province
Community-Based Tourism management, Lesson Learned, Ban-Pa Miang, Community PrototypeAbstract
The objectives of this research article were 1) to analyze the context, potential and readiness of Ban Pa-Miang, Tambol Jae son, Amphur Muang-Pan, Lampang province to become the community-based tourism prototype 2) to build an understanding to various related sectors and capture the knowledge of the process of community-based tourism management for developing the community-based tourism prototype. This research was a qualitative research that defined the target population and key informants into 2 groups: academic groups and tourism experts from educational institutions and government agencies and the community groups including community leaders, local scholars and people in the community, totals of 50 people. The research methods were interviewing, knowledge exchanging, knowledge capturing, and focus groups interviewing. The findings from the research were 1) Ban Pa-Miang Community was a community with beautiful and unspoiled mountain view, cool weather throughout the year and abundant natural resources especially Miang leaves. Moreover, most villagers had positive views and interest in community development. 2) Related sectors such as locals, civil officials and tourism scholars understood the process of community tourism management by collecting local identity knowledge, and creating a process of community participation to develop and drive the community to be the community prototype of sustainable tourism.References
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