The Development of Knowledge Management Model in Small Schoolsof the School Cluster 15 Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


  • Patcharin Sirisuk School Director, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


A Development of the Model, Knowledge Management, School Cluster 15


The purposes of this research were to study the state of knowledge management, develop the knowledge management model, conduct a trial of the knowledge management model and evaluate the knowledge management model. This study was the mixed-method research including both quantitative and qualitative researches. The research tools were questionnaires and indepth interview. The content validity with IOC of 0.60-1.00 was verified by 5 expert with doctoral degree. These included 3 intructors in higher education, an academician and a school director. Quantitative data were collected from 14 teachers 92 students by using the questionnaire. The quanlitative data were collected by using in-depth interview with the Deputy Director of the school, 2 school board members, and 2 parent network committee. The model was developed and reviewed by 7 experts.

The model trial was conducted during the meeting of 15 key informants. The model evaluation was implemented by holding an academic conference with a school deputy director and 15 experimental teachers. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and summary of issue were utilized for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1) the overall state of knowledge management by teachers and students were at the high level. The results of indepth interview revealed that knowledge management might be new issue for teachers so they should try to understand and treat it not as a burden. 2) the knowledge management model with 8 fcators as mentioned was participatory and teamworking including setting goals of knowledge management, setting up required knowledge, knowledge acquisition, knowledge refinement, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization and knowledge asset creation. 3) according to the trial of 8 factors of knowledge management model, this enabled teachers to learn the guidelines of knowledge management based on 8 factors.4) the overall evaluation of the model was at the high level. (X = 4.29, S.D. = 0.66)


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How to Cite

Sirisuk, P. (2021). The Development of Knowledge Management Model in Small Schoolsof the School Cluster 15 Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 17(3), 41–59. retrieved from