The Component Analysis of Factors Affecting Innovative Organization: Case Study of Government Saving Bank


  • Pichanun Pattananurote College of Innovation, Thammasat University
  • Orapan Khongmalai College of Innovation, Thammasat University


Innovative Organization, Innovation, Organizational Innovation, Competency, Knowledge Transfer, Innovation Process


This quantitative research aimed to identify the components of factors affecting being an innovative organization of the Government Saving Bank. The sample group of 400 employees of the Government Saving Banks who were related with innovation development process in any level were chosen by purposive sampling. Data was gathered by an online closed-end questionnaire, which was tested by content validity and reliability method. All questions were tested in terms of the content validity (IOC) which were between 0.500-1.000 and the reliability of the questionnaire with the coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha of 0.954. Data analysis was performed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to identify common factor and create new component groups. The result revealed that factors affecting being an innovative organization of the Government Saving Bank consisted of four factors and five components: two components of organizational innovation, innovative and innovation partnership; one component of competency, knowledge transfer and innovation process.


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How to Cite

Pattananurote, P., & Khongmalai, O. . (2025). The Component Analysis of Factors Affecting Innovative Organization: Case Study of Government Saving Bank. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 21(1), 115–130. retrieved from



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