The Component of Factors Affecting Millennial Consumer Loyalty in Purchasing Food and Beverages Via Online Platforms in the Eastern Region


  • Kawintra Louhavitayarat College of Innovation, Thammasat University
  • Orapan Khongmalai College of Innovation, Thammasat University


Millennials, Online Platforms, Loyalty


The objective of this research was to identify the component of factors affecting millennial consumer loyalty in purchasing food and beverages Via online platforms in the eastern region. This research was quantitative research by using the questionnaire to collect the data from of 400 consumers who were the millennial consumers in the eastern region and bought food and beverages via online platforms. The samples were chosen by purposive sampling. Data was gathered by an online closed-end questionnaire, which was tested in terms of content validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to identify common factor and create new component groups. The result revealed that factors affecting the loyalty of millennial consumers in buying food and beverages through online platforms consisted of four factors, five groups of components: one component of new marketing mix 4Es was online marketing mix; one component of perceived risk was perceived risk in buying food online; two components of platform quality were ease of use and information quality; one component of perceived usefulness was perceived usefulness.


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