Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Professional Teachers’ Role in Helping Schools
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was a developmental disorder caused by the defects in brain function. This disorder can lead to problems in self-control, including hyperactivity, lack of thought or impulsiveness and lack of concentration on a continuous basis. (Inattention). These behaviors were higher than the normal behavior of children at the same age which deprived the function of daily life or socialization. ADHD was the most common disorder among the school-aged children. There was currently no definitive explanation of the underlying cause of ADHD. It was believed to be caused by a number of reasons, both genetic and brain defects. Other environmental factors were not the direct cause, but were a common factor at higher risk for ADHD. Screening for ADHD was teachers’ role which can help identify children with ADHD faster and manage the care of them better. At present, the most effective treatment was combination treatment by using drug to help adjust brain function in conjunction with both home behavior modification and study assistance in order to enable them to study or work normally.
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