A Study of Current Situation and Problems of Transition of Special Needs Children from a Special Education Center to a General School
Transition, Children with Special Needs, Special Education Center, General SchoolAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1. to study the current condition and problems of the transition of special needs children from special education centers to general schools; 2. to study the transition of special needs children from special education centers to general schools. This research was qualitative research and the focus group was used to collect data. The tool used for collecting data was focus group by studying documents and related researches. Then, the questions were developed according to the suggestions of 2 special education specialists. The questionnaire were open-ended questions, which consisted of 3 main points: 1) current state and transition problems; 2) problems during transition and after transition and 3) guidelines for developing an effective transition system. The data were analyzed by content analysis from the focus group of special education teachers and related multidisciplinary personnel involved in the transition system. The total of 13 samples were chosen by using purposive sampling. The study showed that the problem of the transition from special education centers to general schools was that the system cannot be used as planned. Therefore, children with special needs were not continuously developed, and some of them had regression in development. It also found that the solution for effective transition should start with the concerns of administrators of both the special education center and the general school. They should also communicate with each other and update policy to minimize steps in order to make information exchange easier, faster and beneficial to the development of special needs children in the future.
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