IT Staff Competency Development Approach for Digital Transformation of University
IT Staff, Digital Skills, Competency, Digital Transformation, Digital UniversityAbstract
This research aimed to examine the relationship among digital skills, learning contexts, IT outsourcing success, and digital transformation of university, as well as to recommend the IT staff competency development approach for digital transformation of Kasetsart university. The quantitative study was conducted to gather relevant factors from the review of literature. The sample population in purposive sampling consists of 149 people surveyed from the Kasetsart University’s IT staff who worked as computer system officers, computer technicians and computer technical officers. The data were collected by using online questionnaires. Then, the data was taken for descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and partial least squares structural equation modeling analysis for hypothesis testing, as well as the results of the data analysis were achieved by conducting in-depth interviews with experts. The results indicated that digital skills and digital learning contexts had positive impacts on IT outsourcing success. Additionally, digital skills and IT outsourcing success had a jointly positive impact on digital transformation of university. The research findings can be applied as the IT staff competency development approaches for enhancing the digital transformation of universities.
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