Guideline of Decision-Making to Select a Warehouse Management System of the ABC Group Companies
Decision-Making to Select, Warehouse Management System, ABC group companiesAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study 1) the opinions towards the decision-making to select an WMS 2) the influence of personal characteristics on the decision-making to select an WMS 3) guideline of the decision-making to select a WMS. This study was the mixed method research. The tool of quantitative research was a questionnaire with IOC of 0.67–1.0. The sample was 239 people recruited by the proportional sampling. The analyzed statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., and multiple regression analysis. For qualitative research, an in-depth interview was conducted with 10 key informants. The research results found that (1) The opinions towards the decision-making to select an WMS in term of summary report, network and data linkage were found at the highest level with the means of 4.65 and 4.21, respectively. The employee usage and function workflow process were found at the high level with the means of 3.92 and 3.87, respectively. (2) The results of the analysis revealed that the personal characteristics of the department affected the decision-making to select a WMS in term of the function workflow process. The age and department affected the decision-making to select a WMS in term of the employee usage. The age, educational level and department affected the decision-making to select a WMS in term of warehouse management, network and data linkage. The department affected the decision-making to select a WMS in term of the summary report at the statistical significance level of 0.050 (3) Guidelines of decision-making to select a WMS of the ABC Group Companies included functions, working processes, employee usage, network and data linkage and summary report.
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