A Development of Teaching Profession Test According to the Criteria of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand for Students with Teaching Professional Experience Internship in Northern Universities
Teaching Profession Test, Criteria of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand, NormsAbstract
The objectives of this study were to determine the quality and normalize the teaching profession test which was created according to the criteria of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand, for students with teaching professional experience internship in northern universities.The group of samples for this study was students with teaching professional experience internship who were studying in the academic year of 2020 of the universities in the northern region of Thailand. From the total group of 5,510 students, 400 of the students were randomly chosen to be analyzed by using multi-stage random sampling. The research instrument was the teaching profession test according to the criteria of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand which contained 60 test items in four-multiple-choice format. The results of the study were as follow: 1. The results of the examination of the content validity of the teaching profession test, which consisted of 60 multiple-choice questions, have: an average score by experts’ opinions ranging from 0.60 to 1.00, a difficulty score ranging from 0.35 to 0.70, and a discriminant score ranging from 0.20 to 0.54. The overall score of reliability of the test was 0.895. 2. The norms of the teaching profession test that was created by the author according to the criteria of the teachers’ council of Thailand had the raw scores ranging from 0 to 60 marks, with T scores ranging from T11 to T90.
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